Thursday, February 25, 2010

4th is the Second

It's funny how these things work-- an interview on Black Nouveau last week, and now I'll be appearing as a panelist on 4th Street Forum this week (broadcast on channel 10 at 10pm Friday, and rebroadcast on Sunday at 9am). The show was taped today at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the topic of discussion was "BAD HABITS, MEDICAL COSTS and INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY". The discussion was lively. Check it out!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Of Swine and Little Piggies

Thankfully H1N1 has not turned out to be the apocalyptic disaster that some feared. No one is sure why that is. However, we are not out of the woods just yet. Epidemiologist have noticed the disparity in the number of African Americans who have received flu shots. It is widely believed that this disparity is due to feelings of mistrust of the medical establishment by the African American community. As a result, the state of Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) has partnered with the Cream City Medical Society (the main organization representing African American Health Care Providers), to educate the community about the flu, and more specifically H1N1.

Today I taped a segment on Black Nouveau, an African American news magazine, along with Dr. Janie Washington, to shed some light on the issue. We also discussed First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative to combate childhood obesity. The segment is expected to be broadcast next week on PBS. Return to this site for further details.

Kevin Izard, MD

Click for more information about H1N1 "Swine Flu"