Saturday, November 14, 2009


Was just laughing to myself.... We were out at Clara Barton for our food tasting which is a part of the "FAN" club (Fitness and Nutrition). After sharing and tasting different things like pomegranate, papaya, spinach, organic cookies, and vegetable chips, I told the kids that Dr. Mike was kind of nervous because he had a BIG test (Step 3) on Wednesday. I wanted to know if any of the third graders had some words of advice for him...

A little boy very earnestly waved his hand and said, "Dr. Mike, be sure to read all of the questions carefully." The next young man, equally as eager to share his wisdom said, "Do your best." Last to speak up, another young boy added, "Just think positive!"

The genuine looks on their faces when they gifted these precious pieces of advice to Dr. Mike helped us understand that they were sharing these ideas as if they were some new found secrets to impart on their Dr. friend....

Truly priceless:)

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