Monday, April 13, 2009

Welcome Wisconsin BadgerCare Plus Core

As of January 1, 2009, the Milwaukee County General Assistance Medical Program (GAMP) ceased to exist. Its directive, to provide medical care to the indigent in Milwaukee County, was taken over the State of Wisconsin, as its patients were folded into the BadgerCare Plus Core program (also known as the "BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Childless Adults", or more accurately, the "BadgerCare Core Plan for Adults without Dependent Children". In fact, these former GAMP recipients became the pilots for this new program.

BadgerCare came about in 1999, in the midst of the dismantling of the Wisconsin welfare system. When Governor Tommy Thompson moved to eliminate welfare in deference to the W2 (Wisconsin to Work) program, critics bemoaned that low income residents would be forced to work low end jobs lacking health care benefits, a position worse that that already provided by the state's medicaid program (Aid to Families with Dependent Children). In response, the BadgerCare program was to developed to cover low income residents WITH DEPENDENT CHILDREN whose jobs did not offer affordable health insurance. Those without dependent children were out of luck.

The BadgerCare Core program expands upon that program by extending limited to low income families WITHOUT DEPENDENT CHILDREN, the largest demographic of people previously covered by GAMP in Milwaukee county. In essence, this provides a GAMP-type safetynet program for the rest of the state, at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. It is expected that the program will open to the rest of the sate July 1, 2009. (Follow link for enrollment requirements:

One noteworthy feature of the new program is that it covers both preventive and sick care. In fact, patients will be required to have an annual preventive care exam. The program will also cover prescription medictions, BUT ONLY GENERICS, with rare exception, for up to $5 per prescription, or total of $20 for all prescrions from a single provider. Furthermore, participates will be required to enroll in a state contracted HMO to manage services.

Follow the link to enroll in the BadgerCare Core Program online:; or by phone at 1-800-291-2002.

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