Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu Update

It appears that Swine Flu has hit Milwaukee. There are now at least 2 likely cases in the Milwaukee area, and many more suspected. As a result, the Milwaukee Health Commissioner has recommending closing 4 schools (Riverside University High School, Mitchell Street School, Clement Avenue School, and Rogers Street Academy).

Nationwide, there has now been one death associated with Swine Flu-- an infant. The World health organization has raised the Threat level to 5 out of 6-- indicating that a pandemic is immanent.

Your best advice for getting through this period of concern is

  • Wash your hands frequently-- either with soap and water, or with antibacterial gel.
  • Avoid contact with sick individuals.
  • Begin to Make plans for what you will do if your child's school or daycare closes.
  • If you do develop symptoms (see previous blog for description), STAY HOME. Call your health care provider EARLY. There is medication which can lessen the severity and duration of your illness, but you have to get it as early to the onset of symptoms as possible.
Stay tuned for updates.

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Click for more information about H1N1 "Swine Flu"