Friday, September 11, 2009

All conditions are not created equal

Today, our visits took us to the home of a morbidly obese patient who has many mobility issues. When asked, she admitted the effects these difficulties have on her self esteem have led to daily anxiety and depression, often resulting in problems sleeping. After assessment of the home, we constructed an initial list of aids to improve the safety and usability of her surroundings (ie..walker, shower seat, raised toilet).

She also was very interested in seeking help from a therapist to regularly discuss the unique struggles she faces when out in public due to her obesity. This is a woman who wants to socialize like most everyone, but often ends up humiliated and isolated instead.

On our way back to the clinic we discussed the different perceptions that accompany various diagnoses in our society. Conditions like mental illness or morbid obesity often carry very negative stereotypes that can impair access to care unless we continually remind ourselves that most of our patients want the same thing: to feel better...

I thank this woman for reminding me to look at the person underneath the diagnosis.

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