Friday, September 25, 2009

"Ask the Doctor" goes back to school...

This week took us back to one of our partner schools:Clara Barton Elementary. One of the residents and 3 MCW students assisted me in the kick-off of the ever popular "Ask the Doctor" program. We visited 8 classrooms of grades 3-5 and answered any question on the minds of the kids ranging from "Why did you want to be a doctor?" to "What is sickle cell trait?"

The first of our bi-monthly visits is "open topic" and starting next time. we have pre-determined topics like asthma, cancer, nutrition, or bullying....just to name a few. The doctors like the chance to transfer their information to appropriate levels for different age groups. The students shriek with delight when they see me with my "doctor friends" and we are usually greeted with tackles, hugs, and stories....stories that teach us what important things are on the minds of the average kid.

I can't help but think that all the contact with different residents from our clinic over the past 8 years has made a positive impact on how these students value their health...I do know it has made quite an impact on all of us!

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